Bonus Videos

Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)

A song by Chris Tomlin

The Story Behind It:

I know sign language because I was born with 80-90 dB profound hearing loss. It came out of nowhere in my all-hearing family, and my mom prayed that one day I would be able to overcome my disability and be able to support myself with a job. 21 years later, even me having the opportunity to be at a world-class college, full of opportunities is a testament to God's awesome power and listening ears to hear our cries.

Growing up, I never felt comfortable using sign language and was embarrassed to sign around hearing folks, even to my interpreter in school. I also remember wanting to use my sign language during Church songs, but always feared doing that too.

A little over a year ago, at a powerful Christian conference called Passion, I first began to praise God through sign language in this very song, "Whom Shall I Fear?"

Ever since I let go of that fear, it has returned manifold blessings. One of which being this little joy of a sign language class that I get to teach, which in turn has brought joy to others.

And I think God works like this for everyone. When we realize the only way to overcome our fear is to surrender to Him, we let the God who created us come by our side, guiding us, protecting us, bringing Light to our lives and shining into the lives of those around us.

"I know who goes before me..." Looking back, time and time again I realize how God has always been forging the path ahead.

"I know who stands behind..." The more I let go of my own goals and wants, the more I see the things He has been preparing me for all my life, and I'm blown away every time.

"Whom shall I fear?" Nothing compares to the freedom we can have in Jesus.

May this video bless you.


A song by Owl City

The Story Behind It:

The first song I made a full length music video for was about overcoming fear.

This song is about hope, the kind of hope that goes beyond this world, beyond these temporary fears.

Inside of us I think we all have a thirst for a place that no place in this world (or universe) can satisfy. The desire to be in a place of love, belonging, and peace.

And this song represents for me the hope that even though this world is imperfect, and we are imperfect, I believe there will be this place someday where all will be made right, and all will be made new.

Embers offers a picture of that day - when we will
"burn bright, as we all unite"
and we will
"watch the sky, as it fills with light."

And this is something I think that is often missed in the message of Christianity. We have this overwhelmingly joyful hope for this coming day, when heaven meets earth, and the whole universe will be filled with glorious light.

Light from where?

From God himself.

For I believe that the greatest joy and
greatest day will be at the end of time
"when all's said and done"
and we will see God.

And this is the hope that I have, for the day when He returns and makes me new, makes his people new, makes a new Earth, a new Heaven, evil being forever finished, and God being with his people forever.

This is the hope that I have.

And Embers to me shows this flame of hope that I see compelling all believers in the name of Jesus to endure and love and serve God and the people around them with thanksgiving and joy - and all of it stems from this hope, this faith, this fire.

To fellow believers, stay strong. Don't let the fire die.

To all, I pray this small endeavour of a video can give you a glimpse of this beautiful hope and flame, this ember that can spark something beyond what any of us can even imagine.

May this video spark in you a beautiful kind of hope.